Outta my freaking Raya -mushed bloody mind...

as lame as how some ppl blog about their every clubbing trip as if its something noone else does, i just HAD to bitch bout this...

Barcelona. the 1st club ive ever gotten piss drunk at. the 1st club S has ever brought me to. used to love the music and the *pathetic* dancefloor... and then you start noticing... KIDS. as in. underage minors. like... people not even passed their PMR... THEN you see uncles... GAWKING at them undeveloped *whatever little* titties. oh gawd... *pass the sick bucket*

I drew a line RIGHT THERE and discovered MOS.

but then being lazy to go to KL and bored of MOS, what'd you do when you're old kaki's ask you to Barcelona? "aah f*** k lar go a while larr..." and so...

voila! 1st, a whiff of *level7 x10* cig-fusion air greets you. next, long haired blondes are spotted amongst the crowd... only to find out that they're chinese boys yg bermata sepet. *NVM TAKES DEEP BREATH choke cough gag* you walk in and oh! sluts in tiny packages! =D littles girls exchanging their ballet tutus for skin-tight, *what?!* chest revealing, microminis and stilettoes *wobble wobble*... whatever happened to tshirt jeans and flip flops?!

then you get the dancefloor... you know im anything but racist. but its still a lil O.O when you see AA's get overenthusiastic when an Akon/Beyonce song spins... and the ultimate worst?! HAVING UNDERAGE HIGH SCHOOL KIDS GRIND YOU *omfgwtfknnccbmchdnsmpksh!?!!* its just Disgusting. especially when you're a girl and the guy's the minor. and yes im still having the creeps.

having have a curfew *dont ask* and being oh-so-responsible-as-a-safe-driver me, aka not being able to drink *so much*, i leave before 2am, speed off, and with ears still muffled, swear to myself never in my sane mind will i ever step in there EVER again. sigh.

ps: feeling like a pedophile... fml

fuck you barcelona

¬ Trouble - Lenka
* My Life. My World. Shades of Black.

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