The Concluder

Upon stumbling out from my Moral Studies lecture, i pondered upon one word. Nothing big nothing fancy nothing sophisticated or bombastic. That word, was simply: Time.

Time. Its something ALL of us have, no doubt. 6 billion souls on this earth are given an equal share of 86400 secs/1440 mins/24 hrs a day, 7 days a wk, 30 days a month, 12 mths/365 days a yr. How we use it though, is based on each individual.

Many a time, when given something for free, us being humans tend to take it for granted. Same applies to time. what many have yet to realize though, it that how big a role time plays in our lives, other than just as a countdown for our biological clock, or as an indicator of some sort.

One major role time plays in our lives, is as a conluder. It concludes what we've waited for, it decides our consequence and it unveils everything. In time, questions will be answered, decisions made, truth surfaced.

Think about it. Time. We dont know anything about it. Yet it knows everything about us. Our future. The untold. What life behold for us.

Dare we still take it for granted? Time will tell... (:

*ps: sorry for the lack of updates. brain fluids not flowing right and life's been a bitch shoved up the anus...*

~ I Know You Want Me - Pitbull
* My Life. My World. Shades of Black.

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